Go, Grow, Bless
Sunday School
Who: Kindergarten through 5th grade students
What: Sunday School begins in the Gathering Place for a time of fellowship, music, a snack, and large group activities, which focus on our theme for the year, before breaking into smaller groups by grade. Within our small groups, we use the Dwell Curriculum, which awakens kids’ imaginations to the ongoing story of God that starts in the pages of Scripture and continues in our lives today. Teachers will help children grow in their faith as they engage in God’s story using interactive games, reflective wondering, dramatic storytelling, and a whole lot of fun.
Where: Children begin in the Gathering Place for large group activities before being dismissed to their classrooms for lessons and activities with their class.
When: After the morning service (about 10:45). Parents pick their children up by their classrooms at 11:45 am. Sunday School Meets September through May.
The Kids Corner The Kids Corner is located in the lobby and is a perfect spot for kids to meet before and after the service. This area features both independent activities & activities to share with others, and coloring and activity pages.
Busy Bags During Sunday services, children are welcome to check out one of the Busy Bags which are filled with quiet activities. To check out one of the Busy Bags, visit the Nursery window. Please return at the end of the service. Guest bags are cleaned after each use.
Sunday School Coodinator: Erin Fennema - children@fcvcrc.org