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Middle School Youth Group

Middle School Youth Group

Middle School Youth Group is a ministry for 6th through 8th grade students that meets first and third Sunday of each month September through May from 5:00pm-6:30pm in the Youth Group Room.
At Middle School Youth Group, we are committed to creating a safe place for our early teens to be themselves, to interact in a positive way with their peers, to encourage Christian friendships, and to challenge our youth to grow in their relationship with the Lord.  
Fall 2024 Series “Master Design”
A four-session series to teach junior high students why they were created and how to respond to God's love for them.  
Spring 2025 Series “Matthew” 
A four-session series on the book of Matthew about the life of Jesus.



For more information, contact Students' Ministries Coordinator at


  • 2023-2024

    5pm arrive/check in 

    5:10- dinner

    5:30- ice breaker & announcements

    5:40- large group lesson

    6- small groups

    6:15- large group game

    6:25- dessert

    6:30- pick up